#8 is another one I wouldn't have thought of, knew had happened, but knew nothing about.

"Freedom's Voyage to America" takes us from the successful rebellion in the Netherlands where the Pilgrim Fathers had ended up after unsuccessfully trying to reach America already (conned out of all their money - usual story).

Anyway, they spent many years working industriously and very reliably and making a fine name for themselves until they could afford to get the Mayflower to take them to what became New England, and for once the story doesn't end up with naive people being sold into slavery and robbed. Although it does slightly gloss over the people who were living in New England before the Pilgrim Fathers arrived. The story of Thanksgiving doesn't feature in this telling, though, which makes me wonder if it's a more recent invention.

So, we end up with an industrious lot settling New England and slowly turning Cape Cod into a gay-friendly promontory, Rhode Island into the home of the most tasteless houses ever produced by man (the Breakers - highly recommended if you get a chance) and Boston into a place where a man can sell a car for $125 and then drink the proceeds on the way home. Well, I say 'a man'. I think it might be fairer to say 'this man'. It was a fine afternoon, though, and it was a rubbish car. It got me from St Louis to Boston, which while not exactly the Mayflower's journey (keep with it) was quite a fun sojourn nonetheless.

Anyway, only two to go now. Nearly done, folks.