I've got books that you can touch.

Mostly available through Lulu.com, you can find my printed works here: Robert Kibble's Lulu Stuff

The Lulu offerings include Past Presence and One Day (listed right) and also "Fighting the Philosophical Leopard and other Stories," my first collection of short stories, and "Turing to the Death and other stories," my second.  They include some of the stories you'll find elsewhere on this site, but in easy-to-realise-as-a-material object form.


The Girl In The Wave.

Here's a link to The Girl In The Wave which works in your country.

Seeing a girl swimming by herself in a Cornwall bay, Ryan is captivated by her, but his attempt to get to know her will lead him back to the story of her mother, who drowned in that same back nearly two decades before.

The Girl In The Wave
By Robert Kibble

And books you can load onto a Kindle.

Here is a link to Past Presence which works in whichever country you happen to live.

Past Presence
By Robert Kibble

David Summers begins the day expecting a quiet day off work, but finds himself, in order: getting killed, falling in love, and being drawn into a story which began in thirteenth-century France where a crusade had just been ordered to wipe out the Cathar heresy. A novel from 1995.

One Day
By Robert Kibble

After a nightmare session in accident and emergency, a doctor discovers that it was caused by no one dying in the previous shift. No one at all. Anywhere. This starts him down a journey, from which it isn't certain he will make it back sane.